How can I view Instagram Stories anonymously

There’s always a secret crush you’d like to discover or are just looking to protect yourself, Instagram Stories annoyingly expose you.

When you access a user’s account, it displays the account’s owner, even if they’re not friends.

There are many ways to sneak an unintentional peek without being noticed.

Then turn on the flight mode

Open the app so that the latest news stories are preloaded on your phone.

After that, switch into flight mode.

This will allow you to read stories in a private way.

Make sure you close the app once you’re done to ensure that it doesn’t think you’ve observed it.

Make use of an alternate account

A few people opt to have an anonymous account on Instagram.

This would mean that you can also go to stories and not have people know who you are.

If they have a second account, you’ll be required to be friends with the person who has a private account.

Utilize an Instagram Stories viewer

There are many websites which collect all the stories for you.

Also, the account will need to be public for it to work.

Stories Down, Anon IG Viewer and Insta Stories are just some tools that are effective.

A Google search shows plenty more too.

More on  Inflact.

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